A blog about the road that led us to where we are. And where we are going.

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Legends #4: David Icke

Get_To_Know_David_IckeFor those people who don’t know and it’s probably better if you don’t to be fair, David Icke is an English writer, public speaker, conspiracy theorist, the son of God, posterboy for paranoid personality disorder, not one of the lizard people, closet holocaust denier, complete lunatic and total fucking legend.

As for why I think it could be surmised in the following way. David Icke is an example of a man who can be consistently and repeatedly proven to be wrong 100% of the time about damn near everything and yet still have a massive following of people who believe he’s actually credible. Icke is such a legend that he performed the most epic character assassination in the history of the world… on himself. On the Terry Wogan show in 1991 he publically proclaimed that he was the son of God and that we were all soon to be doomed by a series of natural disasters. Before 1991, Icke was a well respected BBC television presenter and spokesman for the Green party, after 1991 he was none of these things.

The Wogan show incident in itself was pretty legendary but what makes Icke more of a legend is that despite the media crucifixion and subsequent public ridicule that he was going through, the man continued to be a figure in the public eye. And that must have taken cojones. I have to admit this single action alone makes him a legend and thus I have now discovered another quality by which one can become a legend – unparalleled fortitude.

Not content with merely being regarded as batshit crazy by the general public, Icke figured it was high time he published a few books illustrating in vast detail the depths of his insanity. So he went on to pen several books in the 1990s that formed the basis of his core ideas, those ideas being examples of some of the most bewilderingly inane fucknuttery outside the field of creation science. Icke David_Icke_is_your_friendis perhaps unique in the respect that he has compiled the entire series the X-Files into a serious body of work. That work proposes that there is a secret world conspiracy and cabal us naive sheep are obviously forbidden from knowing anything about because it will ultimately be detrimental to us all.

So on a serious note why do people find Icke to be so believable? The answer lies in psychology. Paranoid people frequently link completely unconnected events and facts with a minutiae of evidence or commonality giving the superficial appearance of plausibility to the conclusions drawn. People dismiss most of Icke’s more outrageous claims such as Anunnaki aliens crossbreeding with humanity and many prominent figures throughout the world being reptilian aliens as absurd. But some of those same people then lend credence to Icke’s other ideas such as claims about the new world order and how secret societies such as the freemasons and illuminati are secretly running the world despite those theories arising from exactly the same flawed thought processes.

But ultimately his greatest trick and the one that makes him most legendary is that far from being an object of ridicule the country now loves him. He’s almost a national treasure and to court as much controversy as this man has and turn it all around is what makes him a total legend. Peace and remember THERE IS NO CABAL!!!

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