A blog about the road that led us to where we are. And where we are going.

Saturday, 5 February 2011

Introduction to this Blog

knowledge_head_sIt’s difficult for me to pin down exactly what this blog is going to be about. I suppose the best way to describe it would be a completely random spawning of almost everything that passes through my consciousness. It is in some ways going to be a thought experiment, a way to collate all of my hobbies and interests into a single location and then share them anonymously with the world or anyone interested in similar things.

So I suppose in summary this blog will be about things that inspire me, things that irk me, things that interest me, things that were influential, things that are influential, things that fascinate and things that infuriate. It will be a mishmash of most of the things that cross my mind.

Some of the topics I will cover over time include:

TV Series I like, Twin Films, People who annoy me, people who inspire me, great movies, Sci-Fi movies, Ideas, Quotes, Youtube Videos, The Creationism-Evolution debate, Atheism, Great events in History, World War II and the Cold War, Projects I’m working on, Goals and progress in Life, Health and Fitness, Computer Games, Humour and jokes, Science and discovery, Astronomy, Great figures from history, music, Challenges and adventures, Photography, Art, Books and authors, Computer programming and IT, The future, Ideas and concepts, Spirituality, Politics and much much more.

In short: LIFE!

Watch this space; hopefully this will be a worthy endeavour.

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