A blog about the road that led us to where we are. And where we are going.

Monday, 2 May 2011

Ding Dong the Dick is Dead

Villains #1: Osama Bin Laden

osama-bin-laden32805NI always have a begrudging respect for villains who are as reviled as Osama. I mean you've got to hand it to the man - he really really fucked off the Americans - a feat not generally advisable even under the best of circumstances. And also a feat that either takes serious bollocks or serious insanity. Although I'm guessing it was mostly the latter since any adherent of radical Islam is undoubtedly completely nuts.

I have to admit I had a conversation about Bin Laden a few months ago where I said I thought his fate would be similar to that of Lord Lucan - that we'd never know what the hell happened to him and that we should probably never expect to find out. Oh how wrong I was.

As we all know, after the 9-11 attacks, Bin Laden went into hiding in Afghanistan and later Pakistan hotly pursued by a mightily pissed US military. But finding one man amongst the 200 million people in the general area was never going to be an easy task and I honestly suspected that the Osama had died of ill health in the Tora Bora mountains years ago. It turns out not after all.

So after 10 years of being probably the most famous evil genius in the world since Hitler, the CIA finally figured out where he was hiding and shot him. Conveniently giving him an ocean burial as well so we can never see his corpse. I'm probably just being cynical here though, it was a victory well earned and no doubt worth a drink. Congratulations America, you earned it.


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