A blog about the road that led us to where we are. And where we are going.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

The Future is Crazy


The new emerging technology on the minds of businessmen around the world is something that has been a long long time coming. In today's world however and necessity being the mother of invention it was inevitable that it would arrive on supermarket shelves before much longer.

So we're all getting annoyed by now with the impossible spider web of wires and power lines for gadgets and electrical devices that now pervasively intrudes our lives. Probably most people hadn't even really thought about it and just generally accept it as a given but when you really think about it, it is deeply annoying having to untangle a labyrinth of wires that have gotten hopelessly mangled together somehow. And somewhat predictably a solution now exists. If I was going to be technically correct about this I would have to say that a solution has existed since the dawn of electricity - Nikola Telsa (Legend) came up with it and it was a LOT more advanced 100 years ago than it is now. Unfortunately the crazy bastard never bothered to write down how he did it so it had to be reinvented 120 years later at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

tangledWireless electricity is the future. Without a doubt it has to be the future. I could point out the massive potential problems with this new invention such as the fact that 30% of the energy gets wasted when electricity is transported through the air - adding a massive energy burden to our already troublingly overburdened civilisation. Or the fact that electromagnetic radiation travelling through the air is likely to increase the amount of radiation a person is exposed to during their lifetime and consequently increase cancer rates accordingly. But you know what - fuck it, it's cool. And therefore we should definitely have this new toy. Just imagine a world where your phone charges itself and you don't have to plug things in for them to work. Imagine no more, it's here already.

The new technology works on the principle of near-field resonant magnetic induction. Basically two electromagnets resonate at the same frequency and power is transferred wirelessly from one to the other. Interestingly enough this is exactly how Tesla said it worked shortly before he was branded a lunatic and ostracised by the scientific community. The efficiently rates claimed - 98% of power is successfully transferred. How the proximity to the power source alters this ratio I'm unsure of for now. Some of the new technologies require the charging object to be right next to the inductive power source, some allow it to work at a distance although the efficiency is obviously further decreased the further away from the power source the inductive object is.

So what does it all mean? It means the future is going to look like Minority Report. See the video below demonstrating ecoupling technology combined with electroluminescent materials to know why.

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