A blog about the road that led us to where we are. And where we are going.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Bill Nye pastes Ken Ham

Much to my surprise, Bill pretty much wiped the floor with Ken Ham. Most revealing was the answer to the question “What would change your mind?” to which Ken Ham replied “Absolutely nothing.” Bill’s answer was fantastic “Evidence. Show me some evidence and I’ll change my mind.”. It left no doubt as to who was really open minded.



Sunday, 5 January 2014

The World’s End

The final film in the Cornetto Trilogy starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Definitely worth a watch.


Bill Nye to Debate Answers in Genesis kingpin Ken Ham

Bill Nye is to debate Ken Ham on February 4th. Personally I think this is a mistake on Bill’s part as I doubt he has the ability to take Ken Ham in a debate. Indeed to take any creationist in a debate you must first be prepared to deal with the avalanche of dishonesty and misinformation they present in their arguments which I sincerely doubt Bill Bye is.

Justin Robertson presents: Revtone - Love Movement ( Ulrich Schnauss Remix )

Snowdonia is beautiful but so is the track this drive is set to: Justin Robertson presents: Revtone - Love Movement ( Ulrich Schnauss Remix )

Craziest Theories about Existence

Love this article, especially the idea that the universe might be a giant computer. If the universe was a giant computer calculating some kind of answer, what the hell would the question be??


More Nostalgia – Denver the last dinosaur opening scene

Funny Scene from World’s End