A blog about the road that led us to where we are. And where we are going.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

'Social cleansing' housing benefit cap row


We really need to start seeing through the bullshit. Many, many people in this country are idle wasters - that is a fact that is not up for dispute. At £400 A WEEK simply for housing benefit, they are really taking the piss, and that's before you even start on the rest of the benefits these dole scum receive. It is so far beyond ridiculous I don't quite know where to start. Where I come from, it is possible to get a three bed house rented for £80 a week, so why should we taxpayers pay this extortionate sum for these untermenschen who have no desire or inclination to ever work again. Why work when you get EVERYTHING you need, and most of what you want paid for by the government?

Society's underclass is only going to get worse with this namby-pamby treatment of the long-term unemployed. As a country we need to wake up, smell the coffee and get them into government sponsored work programmes where they work long, hard hours for their benefits. The only realistic way to get people off benefits is to make working pay better than benefits.

Let's just do some simple maths. Take one family receiving housing benefit of £400 a week in London. You put them in a £80 a week jobby in Nottingham. The saving there annually is £16,640. As the average wage is around £25,000 a year, in effect, you would need at least 5 average waged persons paying tax at the standard rate, just to pay for the difference for 1 single family. Of course this doesn't take into account all the other benefits that are being received.

Is that fair?

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