A blog about the road that led us to where we are. And where we are going.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Mass Effect 3: The ending

I’ve been watching with interest the ballistic reaction of the fans to the end of this franchise, the scope of it has surprised even me, so I’ve decided to compile some of that reaction into an article that summarises it.
So in just over a week, an extremely well organised movement of quite vocal fans has sprung up surrounding the furore over the ending to this game. You could almost say it has a religious quality to it, hardly surprising given the emotional investment people have in this series of games. So far a facebook group has formed which at the time of writing has around 30,000 members. Cells have also begun to form across the Internet. The main retake site was founded on Tumblr but Youtube videos have also started to go up. A letter writing campaign is being organised. Polls are being written. A charity drive has also so far raised around $40,000 dollars for sick children.
Let’s be clear about this in no uncertain terms – the ending was quite possibly the worst ending of any story in history. It was worse than the Matrix series, worse than Lost, worse than the Sapranos, it was quite simply bafflingly bad. Comments that other fans have made about it below, warning SPOILERS:

Imagine the Original Star Wars trilogy; you just sat through all three films, and you're at the part where Luke is face to face with the Emperor, who's trying to convince him to join the darkside, etc. And instead of how it ends, Luke says "Know what? Screw it. I just WONT BE A JEDI ANYMORE!" Drops his lightsaber and storms out. Fade to black. Roll Credits.

That is the best analogy I can offer about the clusterfuck that was the ME3 ending.

And the death star blows up all the planets in the galaxy, and Han Solo decides to chicken out and fly away from the battle and he crash lands on some random planet while everything else gets destroyed.

And then George Lucas offers you some DLC in a cheesy looking text box.

You have no fucking idea my friend. 3 games, hundreds of hours, hundreds of dollars, 5 years waiting for this game. It was all ruined in 10 minutes. There is no replaying Mass Effect 1, 2, or 3 once you've seen the ending. Honestly, starting a new game would just be sooooo fucking depressing. It's not that the ending is "sad", I don't care about that. It's that it's just so fucking terrible.

Normally I don’t get involved in these sorts of debates, but the endings really were heart wrenching to say the least. Best way to make a video game is to appeal to the fans and they did not at all in my opinion do that in any way with the current endings. I was real disappointed that all my effort led up to such a game changer.
I mean really BioWare, it’s Mass Effect, not an M. Night Shyamalan movie, we don’t need a twist at the end.

Everything about this game was perfect up until the last 10 minutes when it ended. There is no epilogue. Stuff happens, more stuff happens, and then the end. Rather than have some sense of closure, it opens about 20 more questions. It breaks from the story, changes tone and character, ignores current and past facts as well as making leaps of logic.

No wonder GAME wouldn't stock ME3. The collision of two such failed entities would probably cause a massive implosion of the space-time fabric. All we need now is an article about THAT. Someone give Hawking a tweet please!

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